Tuesday, 24 April 2018

5 Things To Do this Monday to Start your week

5 things you can actually implement today...

and it won't take you all day

1. Draw out your sales funnel. (20mins)

A sales funnel is the journey by which your customer enters the selling process. It is a step by step process for converting a new prospect into a client. 

Take a sheet of paper and from left to right, take notes under each header

Education --> Awareness --> Decision --> Action

Traffic Source; Lead Magnet: re-targeting: automation/follow-up: close

Why do this? It might make it clearer for you to remove any roadblocks preventing people from moving to the next stage of the funnels

2. Ask for a referral. (5mins)

Go back over you clients for the last 6 months and call up one of them to ask for a referral.

3. Reach out to 4 people thru Linkedin. (15mins)

You should know you target market. Linkedin is great because you can search for that Job Title with a specific industry. Reach out to them and say that you work in "this industry", and you want to learn more about what they do. 

4. Answer a questions on Cuora (10mins)

Search Quora for questions relating to your industry 

This exercise is part of your "becoming a thought leader" strategy 

5. Write a day in your prospects diary

If you really understand your prospect, their wants, desires, feelings, and deepest fears. You should be able to write a day in their diary. 

Having that much insight is powerful and will lead you towards creating the right solutions for them!

You could even do it over your lunch hour...

"The Prospectors Lunch", we'll call it! 

How to start a Facebook Ad campaign (Very quickly)

How to start a Facebook Ad campaign (easily... and by remodeling what's working)

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"Model those who have come before you". The best of the best are repeatedly staying that you should not reinvent the wheel. Tony Robbins, master life coach, Russell Brunson, click funnels creator and even Virgin's Richard Bransen are all in agreement that the best approach is to see what's working, re-engineer that model and adapt for your own.  

Simple right?

So here are some easy ways for your to spy on your competition and see what sort of Facebook campaigns are working. 

1. Set up an Ad account for free

If for you and your business only -  

If you wish to manage multiple accounts - https://business.facebook.com/

2. Use Adespresso.com to see how your competitors are advertising


Type in your keyword, or search by industry and learn how others in your field are advertising.

3. See what ads your competitor is running

Visit your competitors Facebook page. Locate the 3 dots (...) in the top right corner beside the share button

Click the drop down and select "View Ads". You can now see every ad that the company is currently running.

4. Spying on your competitors traffic sources

Use Spyfu.com - you receive 10 free credits if you stick in an email address. Have a look at the referral traffic for your competitors website. If a decent (and consistent) chunk is coming from Facebook, then you know they are getting a high click through rate from their ads... you could be onto something!

Now you've got a good idea on what's working for your target market, let's create the ad.

Click here for the post on setting up your first Facebook Ad