Friday, 22 December 2017

Day 3- Christmas Marketing Tidbits

Christmas Marketing Tidbits – 30 days of simple actionable advice

Who should do the talking? The prospect or you?

The one who asks questions is in control.

"You have 2 ears and 1 mouth, use them in that ratio"

Expert Secret Tip – you should be asking the questions. Questions control the conversation.

Why – to uncover problems and painpaints

These painpoints are your golden ticket. The ticket that will drive the customers towards wanting your services

Thursday, 21 December 2017

2018.. be fast out of the blocks.

Image result for linford christie in blocks

Start the year off fast!!

Are you going to light and agile, active and determined coming into the new year?

Don’t start of slow, don’t lose half of January to Christmas hangover.

Don’t admit self defeat and succumb to January blues.

While others are napping (or even digesting), it's your time to make some gains. Put in a few hours and hit it hard come January 

Best wishes to all, enjoy the break, but keep focused.

Day 18: My top books of 2017

Pencils of Promise - Adam Brau

Anything you want - Derek Siver

Dotcom Secrets - Russell Brunsen

Elon Musk - Elon Musk

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Day 12: Planning Vs Doing

As a master planner, I procrastinate the actual function of planning..

.. to get shit done.

I'm sharing this because I know this is the type of mental battle that many business owners, entrepreneurs, and consultants. 

The best plan is the world is useless if it is not executed upon.

Planning is the opposite of doing in a sense. It's pre-"Doing". The trick is not to get so hooked on this phase of the activity because you will lose sense and drive for what matters, the application of that idea/plan.

POA - plan of action. Not... plan of non-action. or plan to plan.

Planning and thinking are one of the same.. and they are the opposite of doing and executing.

Why do I do this?
It's a fear thing really. I'm happy to stay in the comfort zone before the "what happens if i carry this plan out and I fail?".
Accept what is, re frame your mind and get it done!

Inactivity is the real failure. Get that into your brain, and you will start to turn things around.

What can help you?
Some quotes maybe...
"I don't think, because thinking is the opposite of doing", some David Goggins, Navy Seal
"Don't start anything you're not going to finish", Seth Godin, Marketeer.

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Day 5 - Rapport like a boss

Do you actually give a shit about the client?

Image result for bad customer service

... Well you should, if you want their business long term

Caring means doing shit that you don't really wanna do, and remembering minute details that are going to impress your clients next time round. 

I think that this is the essence of good rapport. Remembering something personal that a client said to you, and asking them about it the next time you speak with them. 

People are bad at rapport these days. They are not taking time to get to know their clients. Their clients are merely a voice on the end of a signature

What can you do

Remembering birthdays, children birthdays, special events. Ask them about their weekend, and you’ll find out about their family, friends and hobbies.

Next time you’re with them, ask them about those hobbies. 

Pro Tip:

Example. You're meeting with a client for the first time. Do your research, scope their LinkedIn, if they are from a different City/Town, check out what the latest local news is. Then ask them about it.

God Speed 

Monday, 4 December 2017

Day 2: Christmas Marketing Tidbits

30 days of simple actionable advice

What does it mean to sell

What does it mean to sell. To be a salesman? 

Everyone says you should be selling yourself.

Someone top coaches believe that everyone is a salesman, even technical founders hardcore coding who have never had to deal with customers. But these guys are selling to potential investors. 

A softer word we often use is to "market” oneself. In essence it is the same thing, we are trying to promote our best selves in any given moment. 

TIP: Reframe your thinking

The word  “Sell”, is actually derived from the Norwegian term selge, which mean to serve

Taking this mindset, the sale becomes more of a collaborative, “I want to help you because I care about you sale” approach
rather than.... "here is my shiney bag of services, I don’t know if you’re a right fit for my product but buy now anyway" 

It makes you think about the client and the value you are adding. Serving is gonna be your best chance of building a long lasting relationship.

Are you serving clients, or selling to them?

Friday, 1 December 2017

30 days of Xmas - Marketing Tips - Day 1

Starting a business - what to focus on first 

"What are the necessities; and what is it important right now"

Ok lets do something...... a Mind dump  

Two things we try to do we a mind dump
  • Highlight the business decisions that should be made quickly
  • Categorize your activity list into admin, immediate, and outsource 

Get a blank piece of paper. 

Write down anything that comes to mind regarding the business 

Get all the things onto a page, any ideas or activities that are occupying your mind right now. Any Business decisions that need to be made... anything that comes to mind. 

We are going to dump all these thoughts down on a piece of paper to clear your mind... to build FOCUS.

We are trying to highlight the business decisions that you should not spend too much time on. Because right now we are trying to be productive and accelerate time to market

Next we group them 
  1. Admin - business setup and admin task
  2. Immediate - 'I must do' - company name, niche focus, ideal customer, value proposition, goals, 
  3. Outsource - 'Someone else can do' - website, branding, logos, sales scripts, pictures, 

Whatever you think are non-critical activities right at this moment that are not going to deliver value, get them off your plate by making quick decision on them, or outsource the task to someone else. These tasks are draining, so get them off your plate. 

You might have a cool marketing idea for a viral campaign targeted at stay at home moms. Let's push that to the side and move forward with the basics, then we can attack these activities later.